Revocation & Eligibility: Requirements for Wearers
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The permissions and authorities that can be accessed via a hat can be granted and revoked by designated individual or group admins, as well as based on a wide range of automated eligibility and accountability criteria using Hats Modules.
Hats Modules are programmable extensions for roles. Modules can be connected to hats to expand their functionality, such as enabling automatic granting and revocation of hats (and their associated permissions) based on specific conditions.
A hatโs eligibility module is an address that determines which addresses are eligible to wear that hat, and can revoke the hat if the wearer is no longer eligible. Eligibility modules can be humanistic (as in an EOA or multisig) or mechanistic (as in a contract with custom logic) to automatically and instantly revoke the hat based on pre-defined triggers.
Any combination of permissions and authorities can be granted or revoked automatically based on a customizable set of criteria, including:
Tokens, NFTs, and attestations, including ERC20 token balance, ERC721 NFTs, ERC1155 NFT tokenIDs, and EAS attestations
Elections and allowlists, including election results from JokeRace, Snapshot, or Tally, automatic term limits, and manually-created allowlists
Achievements and reputation, like badges, onchain points, Colinks, or Gitcoin passport score
Prerequisite actions, like staking, signing an agreement, holding other roles, or being a subscriber
And more: combine multiple criteria with and/or logic, introduce AI agents, or create granular onchain or offchain triggers
Anyone can create their own eligibility or accountability criteria, or tap into the Hats ecosystem of Hats Modulesโprogrammable extensions for rolesโbuilt permissionlessly by community developers and distributed via the Hats Modules Registry, which is curated by Hats protoDAO via the Modules Registry Curator hat. Likewise, any app can tap into the same infrastructure to offer the fast-growing suite of Hats Modules options to their end-users.
Select "Edit Tree"
Locate and select the hat
Open the "Revocation & Eligibility" section
You can choose between two types of modules:
Choose "Manually" in order to set a humanistic type of eligibility (e.g. EAO or a Multisig)
Enter the address that will determine manually eligibility for that hat
Optionally, add any relevant context by adding requirements as pairs of labels and external links
Choose "Automatically" in order to set a mechanistic type of eligibility (e.g. ownership of a token), enabling the automatic granting and revocation of hats (and their associated permissions) based on specific conditions
Hats Modules are programmable extensions for roles. Modules can be connected to hats to expand their functionality, such as enabling automatic granting and revocation of hats (and their associated permissions) based on specific conditions. For more details on Hats Modules, including what they can unlock and how builders can create new modules, see this blog post.
To deploy an eligibility module for a given hat, first open the "Revocation and Eligibility" panel for a hat within Edit Mode and select "Automatically" as detailed above. Then:
Choose "Create new Module"
Choose one of the available modules (see module descriptions here). As an example, we'll use the ERC20 Eligibility module below, which defines eligibility by ownership of a minimum balance of a chosen amount of an ERC20 token
Choose the module-specific parameters
Choose "Deploy & Return" to deploy the module and return to the hat edit form.
You'll be able to continue making any edits to the hat(s) and deploy them once ready.
Go here to check the complete list of available Eligibility modules, including a step-by-step creation guide for each. Additionally, it includes a guide on how to make hats claimable by eligible wearers.
If you're not sure what a particular hat's eligibility or toggle modules should be at this point, consider: "who or what should this role be accountable to?"
For instance, it could make good sense to set the eligibility and toggle modules for a "Product Workstream Facilitator Hat" to the Product Workstream's multisig address. And, it could make sense to set the eligibility and toggle modules for the Product Workstream Hat to the organization's contract address.
For any hats you're still not sure about, we recommend setting their eligibility and toggle modules to the organization's contract address, at least to start. If the hats in question are mutable, their admins can always change their eligibility and toggle modules later.
For more technical details on how Hats eligibility modules work, see the Eligibility Modules page within the "For Developers" section of these docs.