Hats Election Eligibility
A Hats Protocol Eligibility Module which sets eligibility for a hat based on the results of an election for a given term (conducted elsewhere). Terms are defined as the timestamp after the term ends. This contract allows for the next term to be set while the current term has not yet ended, which allows for an election for the next term to be conducted while the current term is still active.
The module's code is open source and is available here.
Adding the module to a hat
Go to the tree that includes the hat you wish to create the module for
Select "Edit Tree"
Locate and select the hat
Open the "Revocation & Eligibility" section
Choose "Hats Election Eligibility" in the module type
Fill in the module-specific parameters
Choose "Deploy & Return" to deploy the module and return to the hat edit form. The module address will be automatically updated on the hat's eligibility property in the form. Once you deploy these changes, the hat's eligibility will be updated.
Viewing the hat's eligibility criteria
Once the module is attached to the hat, you can view the hat's updated eligibility criteria:
Select the hat
In the eligibility section, you can view:
The module's public actions
The module's general description
The module's live parameters
Admin Hat ID
Ballot Box Hat ID
Ending time of the current term
Ending time of the next term, if scheduled
Useful links
The module's source code on GitHub
Module's roles
The module has two special roles, which are set at the module's creation. Each role is granted to a hat/s, providing its wearers certain authorities in the module:
Admin - can set up new terms.
Ballot Box - can submit the election's results.
To view or perform the Admin's authorities:
Select the admin hat
In the Authorities section, locate the Elections Admin authority card
Ballot Box
To view or perform the Ballot Box's authorities:
Select the admin hat
In the Authorities section, locate the Elections Ballot Box authority card
Last updated