Hats Signer Gate SDK
Last updated
Last updated
This SDK currently uses Hats Signer Gate v1. There is a new version, Hats Signer Gate v2, which should be used instead. The docs for this SDK will be updated and this note will be removed once this SDK has been updated to work with v2.
Hats Signer Gate (HSG) is a contract that grants multisig signing rights to addresses wearing a given Hat, enabling on-chain organizations (such as DAOs) to revocably delegate constrained signing authority and responsibility to individuals.
Multi Hats Signer Gate (MHSG) is a modification of HSG that supports setting multiple Hats as valid signer Hats.
The SDK is an open source JavaScript client for creating and interacting with HSG and/or MHSG instances and was designed to work both in the browser and in Node.js.
For an in-depth overview of Hats Signer Gate, click here.