Finding a Hat's Token ID
To find a hat's token ID, locate and select that hat in the Hats app and click the copy icon to the right of the hat's "pretty ID" (found in the green box below).
In decimal format, the hat's token ID will look something like this: 26960769425706497914046077453500346168786499100899720886694455541760
In hexadecimal format, the same hat's token ID will look something like this: 0x0000000100020001000100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
The Hats app converts the hexadecimal version to the "pretty id" format
converts to1
converts to2
converts to1
converts to1
For more technical details on how the Hats addressable ID system works, see the Hat IDs page within the "For Developers" section of these docs.
Last updated