How to hat-gate access to Wonderverse orgs and pods
To hat-gate access to Wonderverse Orgs or Pods, complete the following steps:
First, enter the Org Settings of your Wonderverse Org OR enter the Pod Settings for your Wonderverse Pod. The following instructions will be the same for each:
Creating a role
Adding a token gate
Inviting members
1. Creating a role
Select Roles in the lefthand navigation
Enter the name and authorities associated with this role and select Create Role (we recommend you create a role with the same name as the hat you intend to associate it with)
Scroll down and select Add Token Gate
2. Adding a token gate
Create a new token gate associated with this role.
Enter the information relevant to the hat(s) you want to connect this authority to, including:
Select the chain your hats are on
Select "ERC1155" under "Token Type"
Enter the Hats Protocol contract address (found here) under "Token"
Enter "1" under "Min. amount to hold"
Enter the Hats token ID associated with the hat you'd like to give this authority to
Name the token gate (we recommend giving it the same name as the associated hat)
SeeHats Protocol Contract Addresses and Token IDs for details on how to find the Hats Protocol contract address and specific hat token IDs.
Select Create Token Gate
3. Inviting others to collect this Wonderverse role via the token gate
To invite people to join your Wonderverse using the token gate you created, select Members in the lefthand navigation, select Invite, and select the role you created above using the dropdown menu. Copy the link found here: this is the link you will use to invite addresses to join Wonderverse and receive the specified role and associated authorities.
That's it. You have now successfully hat-gated access to your Wonderverse Org or Pod, using the granular Wonderverse permissions set for that specific hat!
Last updated