How to hat-gate access to specific Charmverse roles, pages, and read/comment/write/admin permissions
Charmverse is a Web3 platform that provides Notion-like workspaces, databases, a forum, bounty system, and proposal system, all of which can be accessible only to wearers of specific hats using Charmverse's highly-customizable roles and permissions system.
There are three steps to connecting Charmverse permissions with specific hats.
Create a Charmverse role associated with your desired hat(s)
Set page-level permissions for that Charmverse role
Hat-gate access to that Charmverse role
Each step is explained in detail below.
Step 1. Create a Charmverse role associated with your desired hat(s)
To set up your hat-gated authorities within Charmverse, first navigate to your Charmverse space, open "Settings", and select "Roles & Permissions".
Next, select "Add a role" as seen in the lower-right of the screenshot above.
Create a Charmverse role you want to associate with a given hat or set of hats (you can associate multiple hats with a single Charmverse role). Enter a name for the role, do not add any members to the role, and select "Create role".
Once the Charmverse role has been created, open the role with the dropdown arrow, select "Permissions", and set your desired permissions associated with this role.
Step 2. Set page-level permissions for that Charmverse role
Next, navigate to any Charmverse pages within your space that you specifically want to set permissions for. Each page within Charmverse can set its own permissions along the dimensions of view, view & comment, editor, and full access. Note: subpages will inherit permissions from their parents.
Once on a page, navigate to the "Share" button in the upper-right, and click in the box that says "Add people, roles or email"
In the box that appears (shown below), set the permissions for this page, and add the role(s) you created into the "Roles" box. Then click "Invite".
Repeat this process for all the Charmverse pages you want to make accessible to holder of the role(s) you created (remember, subpages will inherit permissions from their parents).
3. Hat-gate access to that Charmverse role
To require an address to be wearing a given hat in order to claim a Charmverse role, and the permissions held by that role, return to your Charmverse space's "Settings", select "Invites", select "Add", and click "Add a Token Gate"
Selecet "Communities":
Select the blockchain network your hats are on and enter the Hats token ID associated with a hat you want to associate with this role (see Finding a Hat's Token ID for details on how to find specific hat token IDs).
Then click "Next", review your condition and select "Confirm".
Finally, locate this new "Token Gated Link" within the Invites page, and assign the role you created to this token ID.
Repeat this process for any other hats you want to associate with this same Charmverse role, or other roles you have created.
You can now select "Copy Link" associated with this Token Gated Link, which can be shared with wearers of the appropriate hat(s) to claim their Charmverse role and access the associated Charmverse permissions.
Last updated